“In INTEGRATED CIRCUITS, the smaller explorations in mixed media utilize digital electronic parts to reflect the notion of how rapidly technology has become the new global religion and specifically point at the ubiquitous computer.
The mudras or hand positions in traditional meditation are engaged to help balance energies of the yogi who sits within this sacred space. It is believed mudras guide the kundalini or corporeal energy up the spine to awaken the divine. At the centre there is a union between the consciousness of daily mundane reality with divine spirit. Represented in Barbara’s work are the golden hands in mudra positions, guiding the awakening energies to focus on both the ordinary mundane electronic parts and the extraordinary divine spark which awakens and brings about the integrated circuit.”
– Maggie Tchir, curator
Abhaya Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Apan Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5 cm x 2.5cm
Apan Mudra 2, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5 cm x 2.5cm
Hamsasya Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Pataaka Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Shuni Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Simhamukha Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Trishula Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm
Vitarka Mudra, 2011-2013, 35.5cm x 35.5cm x 2.5cm